If you have a Repatriation Health Card For All Conditions (Gold Card), the Department of Veterans Affairs will pay for podiatry services that are available through the DVA scheme. If you have a Repatriation Health Card For Specific Conditions (White Card), the Department of Veterans Affairs will pay for podiatry services that are required because of an approved war or service – related injury or disease. If a white card has been issued for
Malignant Neoplasia (cancer)
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety and/or Depression whether service-caused or not
Prior to treatment you will need a current DVA referral (D904) from your General Practitioner to see the podiatrist. This needs to be brought into the clinic or the treatment cannot be claimed and full payment will need to be made. A DVA referral from your GP is valid for 1 year and can be renewed annually.
DVA Approved
About Alison
Kincumber Podiatry treats patients referred by their GP under the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC)/ Complex Disease Management Plan (CDMP). If you have a current care plan in place, you are entitled to receive a rebate from Medicare for up to 5 visits per calendar year to Allied Health Professionals. This rebate is approximately equivalent to $52. If all allocated visits are not used within one calendar year, this can flow over and still be valid in the following year.
For more information please click HERE
It’s so convenient and easy! You can now use HICAPS to process your health fund claims, Medicare Easyclaims and lodge your claims on the spot in the practice.
After the consultation, your health fund card is simply swiped through the HICAPS terminal by the health service provider. Your claim details are entered and in seconds the whole transaction is processed.
Once your claim is authorised, you simply pay the gap amount - the difference between the full fee for the treatment and the amount claimed from your health fund.
If the health service provider has installed HICAPS with EFTPOS facility then you can pay the gap owing with your EFTPOS or credit card.
For more information please click HERE
Custom Orthotics
It’s so convenient and easy! You can now use HICAPS to process your health fund claims, Medicare Easyclaims and lodge your claims on the spot in the practice.
After the consultation, your health fund card is simply swiped through the HICAPS terminal by the health service provider. Your claim details are entered and in seconds the whole transaction is processed.
Once your claim is authorised, you simply pay the gap amount - the difference between the full fee for the treatment and the amount claimed from your health fund.
If the health service provider has installed HICAPS with EFTPOS facility then you can pay the gap owing with your EFTPOS or credit card.